Best Muscle Cars

By Dave Ashton
We generally take for granted the final production design of any vehicle. All those elements that seamlessly work together are the result of many meetings, arguments, cost evaluations, plus sleepless nights…and that’s just on the first day. The iconic Ford Mustang is no exception.
Introduced to the public in 1964-ish, the Ford Mustang had to go through many design changes, some of these looking completely alien from the final version. Luckily for us, the guys over at have put together a photo essay of some of the initial design iterations from those early Mustang mockups.

Choosing which elements to go into the final design must have been a bloody nightmare.
Take for instance the initial badging. The iconic Mustang logo could have been a Cougar. But, what design of Cougar should we choose? Which way should it be pointing? Should we just slap a Cougar’s head on the grille instead of a profile shot?
Once we start digging into the decision-making, we can only imagine how the logistics can easily get out of hand.
However, we thankfully don’t have to worry about any of that stuff. We can just revel in the steps that led up to the final design.
If you want to find out more about preproduction Mustangs,You can check out our past articles on the subject here –
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