
By Dave Ashton
The Dodge Viper ended production years ago, but it still seems to be the platform for producing crazy horsepower numbers. Ryan Lewakowski’s wife Bridget,(Ryan also has a black ACR Dodge Viper) shows off in the video below her CM2000 Package Calvo Motorsports, 2,000 horsepower Viper with all the trimmings.
To produce such high power numbers, the vehicle has some rather tasty components under the hood. This fifth-generation Dodge Viper, tested in Denver, Colorado, produces 1,870HP but can kick out 2,200HP at sea level. The 8L+ V10 engine features twin 7685 turbos, Motech ECU, and an air-to-water intercooler among many other gadgets.
The outer shell has also been customized, turned from the original red to military green. Also, highlighted with aero carbon vents, spoiler, and front splitter.
If you want to skip the initial commentary in the video and get straight down to the G-pulling driving action, then skip to roughly minute 7 in the video.
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